Growing Guide: Getting Your Orchid to Rebloom

 “My orchid is green and healthy, and I fertilize it regularly. So why won’t it bloom?”

The main reason orchids do not bloom is lack of sufficient light.

When an orchid is in bud or in flower, it can be placed in any light exposure in the home. To get an orchid to re-bloom, you may have to increase the light exposure.

Phalaenopsis & Paphiopedilums

To get these orchids to re-bloom, a northern exposure does not supply a sufficient amount of light.

Exposures with bright western (slightly shaded in the hottest months) or eastern exposures work well. A southern exposure gives you the greatest flexibility. Some shading may be necessary if the sun is intense all day. A window heavily shaded by trees or adjacent buildings will reduce light to your plants, but with very bright indirect light, your Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilums should do fine.

Dendrobiums, Oncidiums and Brassia

These varieties need brighter light and do best in a southern exposure. If you have the opportunity during the summer, place these plants outdoors in dappled shade.

Whenever you move plants into brighter conditions always do so gradually to reduce risk of burning leaves. Temperature, watering & fertilizing for these orchids can remain on a regular schedule.


These orchids really benefit from spending time in the outdoors. During the summer they will do best in the full morning sun. Keep your orchid’s soil moist during the growing season (March – September). After September, they enjoy a bit of cold weather (40° F) and even an occasional frost.

You can divide cymbidiums when they get too large, but they are finicky and probably won’t flower for a year or two after you divide them.


Disclaimer: This is general information and is intended for general use.

For more specific information regarding each orchid type, please consult an orchid book or the internet. A great website to visit is

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